General Token Status
Looks Safe: Token passes all key checks, showing minimal risk
Requires Attention: Token has potential issues that may need further investigation.
Looks Risky: Token exhibits several risk factors that could indicate higher levels of concern
Contract Audit Information
In our contract audit popup, you will be able to check important information for each token, such as:
Contract Verification:
Status: Verified (Yes/No)
A verified contract provides transparency as the code has been reviewed on-chain.
Ownership Status:
Renounced Ownership: Yes/No
A renounced contract means the developer no longer has control over the contract, limiting malicious intervention.
Tax Structure:
Fixed Taxes: Are the taxes fixed for all transactions?
Buy Tax: Percentage of tax on buy transactions.
Sell Tax: Percentage of tax on sell transactions.
Top Holders:
Percentage of total supply held by the top 10 holders (e.g., 9.98%).
A higher percentage held by a few wallets could indicate centralization risk.
Liquidity Burn:
Whether liquidity has been burnt to secure against liquidity being withdrawn.
Contract Address: (Example: 0x5d...023d)
Age of the Contract: (E.g., 1 month)
Creator of the Token:
Address of the creator (e.g., 0x1f...a455)
Creator's Balance
Owner Information:
Address of the current owner (e.g., 0x00...0000)
Owner's Balance: Shows if the current owner holds a significant amount of the supply.
Social Links:
Display any linked websites, Telegram, or other social media platforms for the project.
Expanded Audit - View All Flags
This section displays all security flags for the token, offering an overview of its safety features and potential risks. Each flag represents a specific aspect of the token's security.