On this page, you can view and manage all your ongoing spot positions on Azura.
Here you can manage them easily and quickly.
Filtered Totals
In this menu, you can view:
Total Value of your holding in dollars
The Total Cost
Unrealized P&L in dollars
Unrealized ROI in percentage
You can see the list of tokens based on the filters and networks selected
The assets section under the Realized P&L chart provides a detailed breakdown of each ongoing position:
Coin: The name of the token.
Price 24h: The token's price change over the last 24 hours in both dollars and percentage.
Cost: The amount you spent to purchase the token, shown in dollars and ETH/SOL.
Value: The current value of the token, displayed in both dollars and token units.
Unrealized P&L: Your unrealized profit or loss, shown in both dollars and percentage. A small button next to this metric allows you to generate a PNL card.
For each coin, additional actions are available:
Sell All: Sells the entire position of the token.
Sell: Opens a window with a slider, letting you create a market sell order for a specific quantity of the token.
More Options: Clicking the three dots next to the sell buttons opens a menu with options to copy the token address or view the token on a block explorer.