The Trades section on Azura displays real-time transactions for a specific token. This feature allows you to monitor market activity as it happens, giving you insights into trading patterns and the behaviour of other traders.
Key Features
View transactions in real-time.
Filter and customize the data display.
Interact with transactions to get more details.
Trade Feed
Interacting with Transactions
You can interact with the trades displayed in this section in the following ways:
Clicking on Age:
Each trade has an Age column indicating how long ago the transaction occurred.
By clicking on the time in the Age column, you will be redirected to the blockchain explorer, where you can view the detailed transaction information.
Changing Currency Display:
In the top right corner of the Trades section, you’ll find an icon that allows you to switch between displaying prices in USD or another cryptocurrency like SOL or ETH.
Customizing the Data Display
You can customize the information displayed in the Trades section to better fit your needs:
Switching Between MC USD and Price USD:
You can toggle between showing the Marketcap in USD (MC USD) or the Price in USD by clicking on the appropriate label at the top of the column.
This allows you to focus on the data that’s most relevant to your trading strategy.
Filtering by Minimum Size:
You can filter trades based on the minimum transaction size by clicking on the filter icon in the top right corner of the section.
Enter the minimum size you’re interested in under USD or SOL, and only transactions that meet or exceed this threshold will be displayed.
There’s also an option to pause the feed by selecting Pause on hover, which stops the automatic scrolling of the trades list when you hover over it, making it easier to inspect individual trades.