In this category, you can choose between Summary, Tokens, Wallets, and History. Additionally, you'll have the ability to perform quick actions such as:
You can perform quick actions on your wallets and then decide to execute them using the top navigation by clicking on Deposit, Withdraw or Convert.
➡️ Deposit
Here you can transfer your coins between imported wallets or copy and scan the QR code of your wallet to send funds from an external wallet to your cloud wallet.
Transfer Manually:
Select the network.
Select the wallet.
Copy the deposit address or scan the QR code to send your funds.
Please make sure that only SOL tokens are deposited to the following address.
Pay with a Wallet:
Select the network.
Select the wallet.
Select the amount you want to send.
Click on "Deposit."
➡️ Withdraw
On this page, you can withdraw your tokens to an external wallet:
Select the network.
Select the wallet.
By default, the coin of the selected chain will be chosen. For example, if you are on Ethereum, ETH will be selected by default.
If you need to transfer a different token, simply click on ETH and paste the contract address of the token you want to transfer.
Select the amount. If you want to transfer the entire amount in the selected wallet, click on MAX.
Paste the receiver's address in the Withdrawal Address field.
Click on Withdraw.
➡️ Convert
With Azura, you can convert your stablecoins across different chains, such as from ETH to Solana. To do this, you need to:
Select your preferred coin.
Select the coin you want to receive.
Select the receiving wallet from the wallets you have imported or created on Azura.
After ensuring the transaction estimates are accurate, click on "Convert".
Additionally, remember to adjust the purchase settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner or by following this guide.